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  • Limited number of places
  • Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May 2024

Come and enjoy an exceptional gastronomic experience on board our vintage train !

A gourmet meal on a train from the 1950s all the way through the Bocq Valley, A DREAM that can become REALITY!

Détails rapides

Adults and young people

(+ booking fee (6%, see FAQ) = 99.64 €)


An exceptional gastronomic experience: the spring Bocq Gourmand on the Chemin de Fer du Bocq

Come and enjoy an exceptional gastronomic experience on board our vintage train!

You’ll be able to travel through the superb Bocq Valley while enjoying a gourmet meal in a 1960s restaurant carriage (heated carriages).

Timetable :

Saturday 4 May 2024: departure at 12.00 p.m.
Sunday 5 May 2024: departure at 12.30 p.m.



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